In The News
Springtime Business Luncheon - Garden City Hotel
We are a proud sponsor of Mark Twain's Visit To Garden City
Congratulations to Rob Alvey and the Garden City Bird Sanctuary during your 20th anniversary celebration. It has been great to grow with you!
Regards & Best Wishes!
Mike Lutz
Networking event at Revel Restaurant in Garden City
Spring is finally here! Check back in later in the Spring to see how the plants have grown in!
Earth Fest / Earth Run in Garden City this Sunday
There is plenty of excitement about the EarthFest at the Tanners Pond Environmental Center/ Garden City Bird Sanctuary on Sunday, April 21st, opposite 181 Tanners Pond Road. The event features a five kilometer on/off road race through the Garden City Bird Sanctuary, Nassau Haven Playground and the quiet streets of Hathaway Drive, Fenimore Avenue, Kenmore Rd and Colonial Avenue starting at 10 am. There's still time to register to run, and Island Running has an on-line website to get last- minute entries added at The day is to celebrate the value of volunteers to the community and the environment. The Center is pleased to note that H2M Environmental Consulting is a sponsor of the event, and it is appropriate to note their role in helping ensure the high quality of Garden City's drinking water. Also sponsoring the run is the Long Island Volunteer Center that coordinates volunteer services, Lutz Landscaping - with Mike Lutz the 2012 recipient of the Garden City Bird Sanctuary Environmental Stewardship Award, and EarthSoft - provider of valuable environmental data management software systems that helps many agencies and companies communicate and use environmental data effectively. Live music by Acoustic Dave, food, tours, races, and displays by Operation Splash, Audubon, and other groups, dedicating a new garden, awards and dedicating a memorial to Hurricane Sandy should make it a fun and enjoyable day for everyone. Please join in celebration of Earth Day and the start of National Volunteer Week. For more information please call Rob Alvey at 516.326.1720 or e-mailÂ
Raising awareness for prostate cancer in magazines, commercials & newspaper.
Take care of your health and get tested.